My friend Suni shared this site with me. You enter your birthday, and it returns a verse for you. Mine is Luke 7:27
This is the one about whom it is written: “’I will send my messenger ahead of you, who will prepare your way before you.’
What a wonderful affirmation! I like this idea of a BirthVerse, and I think I will do something with that for my children’s birthdays this year. Wouldn’t that be neat in a frame? It wouldn’t have to be fancy. You could write it nicely on a 3×5 index card, perhaps with a fancy pen. Add a sticker to illustrate it if you have one that’s appropriate and put it in an inexpensive frame, and it would still be a treasure.
Technorati Tags: BirthVerse, gift idea
Marisa said,
January 27, 2007 @ 8:19 am
Now that’s really cool. I’ve got to look up the verses for all my kids but the one for me touched my heart.
And the website looks fantastic!
Ang. said,
January 28, 2007 @ 10:43 am
This is neat! I plan on sharing it with my Bible study gals.