See, energy!


You know whats neat? I don’t know this from personal experience, but I hear that nutritional supplements give you energy, and that’s neat. It’s particularly neat, because I’m tired, and I still have lots to do. I know from personal experience that coffee and chocolate are energizing, and they taste better. I also have them right here in the house with me. Hmmm.

Of course, one might also argue on the side of adequate sleep for energizing one.

This post brought to you by the number 24 (hours in my day) and the letter t, o and o (much to do).

Laugh Out Loud Funny


I visited this site today, and the lead article made me laugh, so I am sharing it with you. It’s neat because the subject isn’t funny, but the author used humor to make a point. Satire, I think they call it. 😉

The article is STORING NUCLEAR-FAMILY WASTE: YUCCA MOUNTAIN RECONSIDERED and I found it on la2day. Now some folks might recommend this site as a great place to read up on Hollywood fashion or music in Los Angeles. They might even call it the definitive LA nightlife guide. You won’t find me saying all that though. Or maybe you will, cause I think I just said it. Oops. Instead, you’ll find me laughing. Cause, life’s short, I’m forty, and it’s all about the funny over here today.


This site has a large collection of jokes, so it’s a good one to visit when you need a little pick-me-up. It’s pretty clean humor, too, with no F-word bombs. You’ll find some double entendre’s but that’s about it. So, why are you still here? Visit and get to laughing!

Girls are Evil


Here is mathematical proof that indeed,
Girls are evil. I just wish someone would come up with one that said “boys are mean”. Seems only fair, right?

Sorry, Gotta Go


This a a funny site, filled with sound clips to pay when you need/want to get off the phone. Sorry, Gotta Go will get you released from even the most tenacious of telemarketers. This one has to be my favorite, but I giggled at all the ones I listened to. That is one incredible phone number! I’m sure you will laugh, too.



Let’s mix this up a little bit: I want you to show me a neat thing! I am having a terrible time with insomnia and sleep deprivation lately, and it’s beginning to really wear on me. I think actually sleeping would be far better for me than guzzling down an energy drink, so please let me know your best neat trick for getting a good night’s sleep!

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