Neat way to handle your, umm, blogroll. You enter the sites you want listed, and Blogrolling spits out a tiny little javascript to place in your sidebar. This is really handy for group blogrolls, because when the owner updates it, it updates for everyone. There’s a caution with this though: if you are using blogrolls to give backlinks, google does not see the links for PR purposes. If you want to give a site google juice, you will still need to hard code the link.
Cynthia Blue said,
May 3, 2007 @ 2:45 pm
Blogrolls are great. I have one that is just personal blogs that are of interest to me. Not even necessarily blogs. More like bookmarks that I can use and go read sites that I enjoy.
Cass said,
May 10, 2007 @ 11:11 am
I like them, too, Cynthia! It makes it so easy to stay updated.